Childcare site Inevitable contact with children Voice of concern about compatibility with infection control May 15 12:14

Amidst the spread of new coronavirus infections, a nationwide survey of childcare groups revealed that there is growing concern over compatibility with infection control at childcare sites where contact with children is unavoidable.

The survey was conducted on the Internet by the National Federation of Private Nursery Schools late last month, and there were responses from 3147 childcare facilities nationwide.

When asked about the difficulty and anxiety in accepting children with multiple answers, "insufficiency of hygiene supplies" was the highest at 67%, "deviation of awareness of parents regarding self-restraint to attend" was 59%, followed by "Future The outlook for management of "is uncertain" and "balance between hygiene management and regular childcare" exceeded 40%.

With regard to human resources that can support both childcare and infectious disease control, 40% of the respondents said that they were “just in time” or “insufficient”.

In the free description column, it is imperative that "children cannot be separated from each other. They cannot be taken care of by an infant 2 meters away" or "the nurse's anxiety and tension cannot be measured due to the physical condition of the child and hygiene management". The voice was sent.

Jun Maruyama, Managing Director of the National Federation of Private Nursery Schools, which also serves as the director of nursery schools, said, “A 0-year-old cannot drink milk alone, and the staff and the children have to face each other. It's really difficult to find a way to establish it in a childcare setting, and I want expert advice. "