Hygiene in the spotlight

Audio 48:30

Today, basic hygiene rules are hammered out as an essential method to limit transmissions. iStock / mapodile

By: Caroline Paré Follow

The current pandemic has shown that the risk of infection is far from being a thing of the past. And today, basic hygiene rules are hammered out as an essential method to limit transmissions.


We are going to draw up an inventory of behaviors and knowledge in terms of hygiene and health impact. But even today, human beings are unequal in terms of hygiene, as they are in education, housing, food or access to care.

  • Pr Didier Pittet , head of the infection prevention and control service at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), director of the collaborating center for the World Health Organization (WHO) for health care.
  • Georges Vigarello , historian specializing in the history of hygiene, health, bodily practices. Director of studies at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) and author of "The clean and the dirty: body hygiene since the Middle Ages" (Seuil)
  • Alexandre Giraud , Director General of Solidarités International 
  • Report from Laetitia Bezain in Madagascar 

At the end of the program, we give the floor to Professor Antoine Pelissolo , professor of Psychiatry and head of service at the Henri Mondor Hospital , in Créteil, in the Paris region. He is co-author of a column published in the newspaper Liberation for "A massive emergency plan for public psychiatry"

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  • Health and Medicine