On the third day of deconfinement, many French people are happy to be able to break the isolation. If Emmanuel Macron expressed cautious optimism on Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, he also said he was ready to take measures in case the instructions are not followed by the population.

More than 400,000 shops reopened, but also numerous beaches and soon Lourdes: social life timidly restarted in France on the third day of deconfinement, closely watched by Emmanuel Macron. On Wednesday, the head of state displayed cautious optimism as he took stock of the situation in all regions. Surrounded by his main ministers, the Head of State brought together by videoconference the regional prefects and the directors of the regional health agencies, saying he was ready to "constantly correct the situation" if measures "do not work".

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"What is new is to partially reopen activities while trying to control the epidemic," he said. "It is too early to declare victory" but "the path followed [is] the right one", he declared while opening, Wednesday, a Council of Ministers devoted to the ratification of the tens of ordinances adopted in urgency to make facing the coronavirus crisis.

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The Pentecost and Summer deadlines

The executive has given itself two deadlines: the end of May, because "depending on the evolution of the epidemic, the deconfinement can take a new step after the weekend of Pentecost [June 2]" underlined government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye. Then the summer season, where travel, especially with neighboring countries, will "be the subject of a necessary European coordination". But, Emmanuel Macron warned, the government must also "arm itself" for a possible reconfiguration "if the situation should deteriorate".

On the third day of deconfinement, the objective is to avoid crowds, like those observed since Monday in certain Parisian districts. Mediterranean beaches, the North Sea and the Atlantic could also reopen this weekend for walks or sports, according to several prefects.


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Parisians, forced to wear masks in the metro, where smart cameras measure their degree of discipline, however, will still not be able to find their parks and gardens, despite a new call from mayor Anne Hidalgo, in the name of "health public ". The government reiterated its refusal. This opening would be "inappropriate given the liveliness of the circulation of the virus in the Ile-de-France region," said Sibeth Ndiaye.