Will Covid-19 Debt Be Repaid?

After the presidency of the IMF, Christine Lagarde takes that of the ECB. SAUL LOEB / AFP

By: Guillaume Naudin Follow

The numbers give the spin. Economic support plans number in the hundreds and sometimes thousands of billions of euros or dollars.


Amounts committed to keep businesses and the economic system alive during the Covid-19 pandemic and funded by the States. The inevitable consequence is the recourse to borrowing and therefore the development of debts, public in particular, never seen and therefore logically never really imagined or planned. 110, 115, 120, 150% of debt compared to the GDP for certain countries of the European Union, the future debt seems enormous, even insurmountable. Will Covid-19 debt be repaid? This is the question of the day.

To discuss it:

- David Cayla , economist, teacher-researcher at the University of Angers and member of the collective of dismayed economists . Author of several books, including "The economy of reality", (De Boeck Supérieur, 2018), and of "10 +1 questions on the European Union" (Michalon, 2020).
- Jean-Hervé Lorrenzi, economist and president of the Circle of Economists   who is organizing the 20th Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence on July 3 to 5, 2020 on the theme: Acting in the face of the world's deregulations - We're going to get out! Over 300 speakers from around the world. 100% online and free edition.
- Jean Quatremer , journalist for Liberation and editor of the blog "  Coulisses de Bruxelles  ".

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  • Economy
  • European Union
  • Ursula von der Leyen
  • Christine Lagarde
  • Coronavirus

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