A dictionary. - Minto Jason / SUPERSTOCK / SIPA

We say "the" Covid 19. Guardian sourcilleuse of the good use of the French language, the French Academy recommends to use the word Covid-19 in the feminine rather than in the masculine whereas even the majority usage in France is use this term that appeared with the male coronavirus epidemic.

Storm in a glass of water? The Academicians are certainly in their role in recalling a simple grammar rule: for an acronym it is the genre of the main word that counts. Thus one says and writes “the” SNCF because it is the acronym of the “National company of the railways” and the article agrees with the kind of the word “company”.

An acronym of foreign origin

The difficulty with Covid is that it is an acronym of foreign origin. Covid is the abbreviation for the English term "Coronavirus disease" which translates to "Coronavirus disease". “Illness” being a feminine word the rule should therefore be to use the feminine when using the term Covid.

After all, we speak of "the" CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to designate the American intelligence agency. In French, "agence" is a feminine word.

In Quebec, a French-speaking stronghold in North America, the word Covid is used in the feminine.

"Use makes the law"

But, another of the fundamental rules of a language is its current usage. "Use makes the law" have the habit of saying linguists. In the case of the word Covid, it is clear that the masculine has established itself in the media, but not only. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the government has spoken of the Covid in the masculine, the Pasteur Institute also.

It is absurd to release this now that in France everyone says "the" Covid.
In Quebec the same recommendation was made but sooner, the media followed, result we say bcp plus "la" Covid.
That's the difference between trying to force use and accompanying use. https://t.co/ly9BX8gs1I

- Laélia Véron (@Laelia_Ve) May 10, 2020

"Why the frequent use of the male Covid 19? Asks the French Academy. “Because, before this acronym spread, we mainly talked about the coronavirus, a group which owes its gender (…) to the masculine name virus. Then, by metonymy, we gave the disease the kind of pathogen that causes it, ”she says.

"Respect for safety distances"

In the same way, the Academy hardly tastes the expression "not very happy", according to it, of "social distancing", a transcription of the English "social distancing". "Distancing", explains the Academy, designates in its primary sense "the refusal to mix with other social classes". "We suppose, however, that this is not the meaning we want to give today to this name," quipped the Academy.

"Perhaps we could have spoken of" respect for safety distances "," physical distance "or" establishment of safety distances "," suggests the Academy.

We are waiting for the Academy to focus on the word "deconfinement" ... Absent from all dictionaries.


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  • Dictionary
  • Vocabulary
  • Covid 19
  • Culture