Singer Bono - Capital Pictures / Starface

Bono marked his 60th birthday with a playlist of 60 tracks, but not just any. As he revealed on the official U2 website, all these songs have the distinction of having "saved his life".

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'These are some of the songs that saved my life…. the ones I couldn't have lived without… the ones that got me from there to here, zero to 60… through all the scrapes, all manner of nuisance, from the serious to the silly… and the joy, mostly joy… I wanted to thank the artists and everyone who helped make them… They were doing the same for me… I am writing a fan letter to accompany each song to try and explain my fascination… I'll be sharing some here and on .. Bono - link in bio. '

A post shared by U2 Official (@ u2) on May 10, 2020 at 3:56 am PDT

"Here are some of the titles that saved my life ... Those without which I could not live ... Those that have brought me so far, from zero to 60 years ...", wrote the leader of U2, before thanking "the artists and everyone who helped make these songs "and to clarify that he added" a fan letter "to each of the songs.

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The first title mentioned by Bono following his cover letter is Miserere , which he sang with Luciano Pavarotti and Zucchero. The explanatory letter is addressed to Alice, the daughter of the tenor. “When I hear it, I miss my father and yours. He liked operas… He was one, ”he adds. We also find Everything I Wanted , by Billie Eilish, who reminds him of "Carole King" and "Roy Orbison".

HAPPY BIRTHDAY #BONO !! tons of blessings to you on this special day !! I cherish our decades of friendship and may Gobless you on and all you do !! Thank you for all you do for the great continent of Africa, I love you Naomi ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️🎂🎂🎂🎂😘😘😘

- Naomi Campbell (@NaomiCampbell) May 10, 2020

Among the classics, Bono's life was saved by Life On Mars? from David Bowie, "released in 1973" and which he heard for the first time while listening to "pirate radio Radio Caroline", as he explains to Duncan Jones, the son of the Thin White Duke. Neon Lights , by Kraftwerk, is also among the titles to have marked it, "a pop song with the perfect structure". Ruby Tuesday , the Rolling Stones, or Get Lucky , the Daft Punk with Pharrell Williams and Nile Rogers, Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley, are all to be found in the playlist shared on the main streaming sites.


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  • Singer
  • Bono
  • U2
  • Music
  • People