While confinement has boosted the creativity of some, others may have felt anxious and alone. But do not panic: according to Annabelle Roberts, expert in public speaking and guest of Sans rendez-vous on Europe 1, the parade is among other things in laughter yoga. Demonstration.


In this period of coronavirus and confinement, by telecommuting alone at home, one can quickly feel anxious, rejected and lose one's self-confidence. But according to Annabelle Roberts, it is possible to face this fear of failure and regain good morale thanks to laughter yoga. The expert in public speaking was invited in Sans Rendez-Vous on Europe 1 to demonstrate this.

"The brain does not understand the difference between a fake and a real laugh"

Laughter yoga comes from India, invented by doctor Kataria, a doctor who has been practicing it for 25 years, recalled the expert. "It's about laughing for no reason: we want to reap the benefits of laughter, without having a spontaneous laugh". Indeed, explained Annabelle Roberts, "the brain does not understand the difference between a fake and a true laugh".

>> Find the whole of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

The expert in speaking then proposed a small practice for the listeners of Europe 1, "special covid-19": cough in one elbow, then in the other, and laugh by forcing yourself, advocates t it, agreeing that the exercise is "very ridiculous, but not dangerous" (we let you judge):

<iframe frameborder = "0" width = "600" height = "300" src = "https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x7ts0zw" allowfullscreen allow = "autoplay"> </iframe>

The benefits of laughter yoga are indeed multiple. First, on self-confidence: "It allows you to build your loose muscle by doing completely ridiculous things without damaging yourself". "When one questions psychologists questioned on the treatment of phobias, all agree on how to treat the phobia, it is to expose oneself", assures thus Annabelle Roberts. For embarrassment, it's the same thing. "Feeling rejected, embarrassed, is an unpleasant feeling. You have to be able to perform despite this embarrassment", and therefore make this unpleasant feeling become a habit, laughing.

"We always think that it is the brain that controls the body, but the body can also influence the mind," added the expert. And as "a false laugh, very often, becomes a real laugh", its effects are felt: "It improves the oxygenation of the blood, increases the level of creativity, and the tolerance that we have to pain because we secrete them hormones of joy and happiness ".