The cigarette paper between Macron and Philippe thickens and it begins to be seen and heard. Even their lexical fields diverge. Since the start of the week, Édouard Philippe and Emmanuel Macron have both been speaking every day about deconfinement. And the least we can say is that hearing them the two heads of the executive are not on the same wavelength ...

The language gaps are widening more and more between Emmanuel Macron and his Prime Minister. Last example, yesterday in Poissy, with the response of the President of the Republic who returned to the risk of the collapse of the economy of France mentioned by Edouard Philippe: "I do not have these big words", replied the head of state preferring to speak of a massive shock. But the verbal contest between the two heads of the executive did not stop there. Barely two hours later, before the deputies, Édouard Philippe maintained his remarks fearing the risk of the collapse of production. A lexical hiatus revealing two distinct lines between the pessimism of Edouard Philippe who places the health protection of the French above all priorities, and the optimism of Emmanuel Macron focused on the future and the economic recovery of the country. This little sentence "I don't take these big words" joins the list of spikes exchanged in the past between presidents and prime ministers. Alongside "I decide and he performs" by Jacques Chirac on Nicolas Sarkozy, or even "he is him, me is me" by Laurent Fabius about François Mitterand. Increasingly palpable tensions, can be simply linked to confinement as in many couples? Or is it a deeper misunderstanding? Some people already speak of a new form of cohabitation.