Everyone judges to the extent of his depravity. And the fact that the Pentagon accused Russia and China of using the coronavirus pandemic in their interests is not surprising. For the United States has long been acting precisely in this scenario, trying to use any problem that other countries are facing to achieve its own goals. 

However, with the coronavirus epidemic, everything initially went “wrong." And her next victim after China was not Russia (as many predicted), but Europe, which was absolutely unprepared for a catastrophe of this magnitude. Moreover, the most unexpected for many Europeans was the realization that the vaunted European unity exists only in words. And in a critical situation, each was not only one on one with his own problems, but also received a couple of vile deeds from the neighbors. Surely you still remember the news about how some countries, without any embarrassment, intercepted other people's humanitarian aid, supplies of medical equipment and protective equipment, intended for those who were most in need at that time. 

As for Italy, which before all others in Europe tasted all the “charms” of a pandemic and was one of the first to receive a powerful coronavirus attack, the Italian journalist Lino Polymeni spoke best of all about the help that never came. Here is a short excerpt from his big and very emotional speech: “Thank you, dear Macron, dear Signora Merkel! Thank you for leaving us when we need help so much! Thank you for not giving us the opportunity to purchase your usual masks and other medical products to fight the virus. Do you know that we have already paid you for them? Also to you, Mr. Trump, and to you, Mr. Johnson, thank you for isolating us instead of helping. ” 

Yes, Italy was abandoned. At the most critical moment in all of its recent history. And therefore, the assistance provided by Russia and China, the Italians took with all their inherent emotionality and great gratitude. This, of course, caused dissatisfaction not only with their neighbors in the European Union, but also with the American authorities, who immediately began to politicize the arrival of Russian military doctors to Italy and, with the help of controlled media, tried several times to neutralize the assistance provided. 

The same Macron called "not to get drunk" from the help that comes from Russia and China, and expressed indignation that the Italian authorities pay much attention to what they are doing for their country from Moscow and Beijing. 

Road spoon for dinner, they say in Russia. Therefore, the main value of Russian assistance was its timeliness. And the Italians appreciated it. Too enthusiastic, as some thought. Therefore, it was decided to cool down the fervor with which the inhabitants of Italy expressed their emotions towards Russia with the help of nasty statues, in which, on the one hand, they tried to convince readers of the "uselessness of the Russian mission from the point of view of medicine", and on the other they were intimidated by arguments about “Espionage activities and the military threat” allegedly carried by the presence of Russian military doctors in the territory of a NATO member country. 

The sobs of the American secretary of defense are from the same opera. 

“Russia provided medical assistance to Italy, but then tried to use it to sow discord between Rome and its allies through a disinformation campaign,” he said in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa. 

And I'm afraid that all attempts to explain that the work of military doctors in the Italian provinces is radically different from the distribution of cookies on the Kiev Maidan will be futile.  

For in the USA it has long been considered all the actions of others through the prism of its own strategy, which is that any action directed at other countries should turn into its own benefit. Therefore, it is unlikely that Russia should spend precious time and eloquence on explanations and attempts to prove the groundlessness of these allegations. 

Do what you must, and whatever happens. Moreover, today we can allow ourselves to do as we consider necessary, without regard to anyone else's subjective and very biased opinion. 

As for the American minister, instead of angry shaking of the air on the topic of Italy, it would be much more useful for him to focus on the problems of his own country, which has long been leading the sad world statistics on the number of patients and deaths from coronavirus. But alas. The mentality of the American authorities makes them intervene in everything that happens in the world, even in such a critical situation for them. Because the status of the “leading world superpower”, which they are desperately afraid of losing, is more important for them than the lives of their own citizens.

And Italy, they will remember us for a long time. Because at the very moment when the first military transport aircraft Il-76 of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation landed at a military base in Italy and the Italian segment of social networks literally exploded with words of sincere gratitude to Russia, Russians and Putin, on the other side of the Atlantic they felt very uncomfortable and immediately started talking about the threat to American dominance and the dominant role in the fight against the pandemic, which the United States itself has appropriated. 

But people are far from being as stupid as some American politicians think, and they are well aware of the difference between a word and an act. Indeed, at the very moment when Trump posted on Twitter a video in which American aviation in the American sky showed miracles in turns as a gesture of support for Italy, Russian doctors worked in the corners of Italy that were most affected by coronavirus and helped their colleagues to deal with the consequences of the epidemic and prevent her repeated flashes. 

As for the "discord" that Russia allegedly sows between Rome, Brussels and Washington, this claim is clearly not addressed. For, I repeat again, it is not necessary to consider people as a dumb and blind herd. And to rage over the fact that the Italians issued a harsh but fair verdict both to the Europe that abandoned them and the United States turned away from them at a critical moment, is also not worth it. And even more so, it is completely unnecessary to blame Russia for its own strategic mistakes and, with the help of stupid accusations, try to neutralize its actions to assist both Italy and a number of other countries. From the outside it looks pretty pathetic and very stupid. Still, it will not be possible to discredit the Russians in this way, but an unpleasant precipitate, which the same Italians already have in abundance, will be added. 

So moderate your ardor, Mr. American Secretary of War. And finally, take care of your own problems, without bringing the situation to such an extreme when you also have to turn for help to those who, unlike you, now direct all their forces and resources to fight the virus, and not with geopolitical competitors.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.