The port of Marseille which extends to the northern districts. - ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP

In Marseille, where epidemic foci of Covid-19 have been identified in families in the northern districts, doctors are urging the authorities to act to allocate accommodation places as quickly as possible to patients in order to effectively isolate them from their loved ones . Since mid-April, a special city / hospital coronavirus screening device called NordCovid has been deployed at the foot of the towers of the poor neighborhoods of Malpassé and Kallisté, north of Marseille.

With nearly 200 tests per day, NordCovid doctors observed "real family" clusters ", describes Annie Levy-Mozziconacci, doctor at the North Hospital and municipal opposition counselor. Faced with this phenomenon and the observation of overcrowding in many apartments in these districts where the isolation of a sick person is a challenge, Annie Levy-Mozziconacci insists on "the extreme need to find places to stay".

Encouraged by a “real desire to support” the Regional Health Agency and by government speeches, the doctor identified several solutions: a social center, hotels, holiday centers, and even a mobile home tenant ready to provide rooms for the sick during their quarantine, who await a necessary "requisition" from the State.


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  • Marseille
  • Contamination
  • Quarantine
  • Northern neighborhoods
  • epidemic
  • Coronavirus