The Indian artist Aamir Khan distributed financial donations this month of Ramadan to the poor and needy in his own way and a clever trick that saves their face.

According to the Indian "Tames of India" website, getting to the person who deserves help is difficult, especially for a famous artist. Aamir Khan resorted to an innovative trick, which is to distribute only one kilo of the needy within 15,000 rupees.

Everyone, according to the same source, was surprised and did not come to take the aid except those who really need it, and those who see a kilo of flour a treasure to fill their hunger, but whoever got a kilo of flour found inside it amounted to 15 thousand rupees

A young man filmed a video clip and published it through the application "Tik Tok", in which he clarified the details of this charitable work, saying that Aamir Khan sent a truck filled with bags of wheat flour packages distributed to the needy, and said that a large number of people refused to obtain a kilo of flour, but who They got it. They were surprised after returning home with a sum of money in each bag.