Fabric masks made in Marseille (photo of illustration). - CHAMUSSY / SIPA

Two cloth masks, washable and free. In Nancy, people over 65 will receive them by post, other residents can collect theirs, by appointment, in one of the city's five distribution centers. The masks are "produced by companies from the Grand-Est and the social and solidarity economy", specifies the town hall.

For Laurent Hénart, mayor (RM) of Nancy, it is a question of "fighting against the Covid-19, preparing for the gradual lifting of the confinement on May 11 and responding to a strong demand from the inhabitants". "It will also be systematically offered to each inhabitant a medical examination and training on the wearing of the mask," according to its press release.

A national issue

The regional health agency, the Orders of doctors and nurses of Meurthe-et-Moselle, the CHRU of Nancy and the departmental association of Civil Protection are partners of the initiative.

On Tuesday, before the deputies, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe had estimated that it was "preferable", in "many circumstances", to "wear a mask" as scientists now recommend. "Wearing a mask will be made compulsory in all transport, metros and buses," he added.

  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Deconfinement
  • Society
  • Nancy
  • Lorraine