Supporting foreigners who have a hard time living in Corona NPO "Dismissal faster than Lehman" April 26, 20:31

In order to support foreigners who are struggling to lose their jobs due to the effects of the new coronavirus, an NPO in Nagoya distributed food products in an apartment house where many foreigners live.

This effort was carried out by an NPO in Minato-ku, Nagoya City at the local housing complex "Kuban housing complex" where about 30% of the residents are foreigners.

On the 26th, a table with eggs and sweets was prepared in front of the housing complex to avoid handing over which could be infected.

Approximately 60 people, including people from Brazil and the Philippines, visited one after another and brought groceries home from their own table.

A Vietnamese technical intern woman said, “I have half my job and am having a hard time living, and I am unable to send money to my family. I want to work.”

A Japanese-Brazilian man who lives in another place said, "I have to lay off my auto parts factory this month and leave the company dormitory. I am very worried because I can not return to Japan and I can not find a new job." I was talking.

Representative Yuko Kawaguchi of NPO "Manabiya @ KYUBAN" said, "Compared to Lehman's shock, the speed of dismissal is faster and it extends to various occupations. I can not cook food because of concern about infection. I would like to send you a message that will help you. "