Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to examine PCR test by dentist April 26 19:28

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has proposed a plan to allow dentists to carry out tests to expand PCR tests to confirm the infection of new coronavirus.

This is a proposal presented by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare at a meeting of experts held on the night of the 26th.

As a result, with the expansion of PCR testing, it is feared that it will be more difficult in the future to secure doctors for testing, so dentists will be able to carry out testing.

Collecting a sample from the patient's nose or throat is currently considered to be beyond the scope of "dentistry" that dentists can do, but it is recognized as a special case.

If it becomes difficult to secure doctors etc. during the period of the emergency declaration, the dentist who has received the necessary training will carry out it with the consent of the patient.

The number of PCR tests performed was about 8800 per day on most of the days in the middle of this month, which is about four times that of the same period in the previous month, but the challenge is to further expand the test system. I am.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will consider the detailed mechanism and the timing of introduction based on the opinions of experts.