Illustration of a wallaby. - PhotoPlus magazine / SIPA

Much less used since the start of the confinement period, the Loire-Atlantique firefighters had to manage an original intervention to say the least this Saturday at the end of the day in Saint-André-des-Eaux, near Saint-Nazaire. Around 6:40 p.m., witnesses pointed out to them a wallaby who was taking a free trip. The animal team of the firefighters proceeded to capture the animal.

At the same time, the gendarmerie launched searches to try to identify the owner of the animal. In vain. The runaway wallaby was therefore entrusted to the Planète Sauvage animal park located in Port-Saint-Père near Nantes.


The Voyage à Nantes could take place from August 8 to September 27


A 1.70 m long shell discovered on a construction site in Saint-Nazaire

  • Firefighters
  • Animals
  • Society
  • Saint Nazaire