Christophe, in 2011 - Lionel GUERICOLAS / MPP / SIPA

A great sorrow. And a lot of recognition. This is what is reflected in the many tributes that you have sent us following the death of singer Christophe. Memories, and as many songs. We have selected five of your stories that illustrate the melodic richness of Christophe's songs, and the emotional richness that they awaken in your home.

For Véronique, "Vestiges of chaos" and an iodized ride

Véronique has a recent memory of Christophe, during her last tour in 2017, in St Malo for the album Les vestiges du chaos. "Her talent and her sensitivity, I am taken in," says Véronique. It is 3 am Christophe leaves his box and signs me an autograph with his curvy words. He said to me "I'm not sleepy…. Will you accompany me for a walk on the beach, I need iodine… ”Suspended moments engraved forever. "

For Flo and Marie-Odile, "Les mots bleus", courage and youth

Many testimonies tell memories linked to this absolute hit by Christophe. Among them, Flo recounts a childhood memory: "I was 11 years old, it was dark, it was snowing, I had a good kilometer to walk, all alone and very small in the countryside, until the bus stop, to go to college. I was afraid and to give me courage, I sang Les mots bleus … For 45 years, every time I need courage, that I think of courage, that I give courage, I hear Les mots bleus . May courage accompany you Christophe on the road you are discovering today ... ”

For her part, Marie-Odile has a memory of adolescence: “I was 15 years old, and it was on slow Les mots bleus  that I had my first love… First vacation, without the parents, and far from France, since it was in Tunisia… The announcement of his death brought back memories of youth (it was almost 40 years ago)! "

For Elise, "Aline" and the journey

We often forget that Christophe's career had no boundaries. As Elise recounts, her songs have traveled all over the globe: “In Cambodia, I found myself at a primary school party in the middle of the countryside where the song Aline  was played on the amps. All those present, adults and children, were singing loudly. I was thus explained that this song was one of the most popular French songs in Cambodia. "

For Sylvie, "The puppets" and the children

One of the strengths of Christophe's songs is to be timeless and transgenerational. As Sylvie tells us: “I am a childminder and I regularly sing The Puppets whose words I know by heart. Suddenly, a mother once told me how surprised she had heard her daughter sing this song while she was playing on the radio. "Well yes, we sing it with a nanny! »»

For Benjamin, "Lost paradises" and a great job

Finally, you will allow the author of this article to tell a personal memory around the song Les paradis perdus. “I was a young journalist and I had to interview Christophe. The artist, a night owl, received at his house at midnight past. I was walking in a fantasized Paris, left bank. It was mild, I mentally repeated my questions, my heart slightly wrapped. In my ears, The lost paradises . One of the few perfect songs in the repertoire. And there, even before a meeting that turned out to be memorable, I said to myself "What a beautiful job mine is." "


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  • Tribute
  • Singer
  • Culture
  • Music