On Europe 1, Thursday afternoon, the chief of the Samu de Seine-Saint-Denis Frédéric Adnet decides for a return of students to school from May 11, as Emmanuel Macron wishes. "Children don't risk anything," he said.


This is one of the passages from Emmanuel Macron's speech that most questioned: should we, as the head of state said, proceed to the "gradual reopening of crèches, schools, colleges and high schools "from Monday, May 11? For Professor Frédéric Adnet, guest Thursday of Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, "parents cannot and should not worry if their child becomes sick" of the coronavirus by finding the classrooms and their classmates.

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"The deconfinement must be done gradually and target only the people least at risk", explains Frédéric Adnet, chief of the Samu de Seine-Saint-Denis and emergency department of the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny. "And among the populations least at risk, who are not at risk of developing the severe form of the disease, for whom there is practically no mortality, there are children."

Beware of people at risk

According to Professor Adnet, it's simple: "Children don't risk anything, just like young parents. Under 40, mortality is practically negligible." On the other hand, he nuances, "containment must be exercised rigorously on people who have risk factors for developing the serious form of the disease. These are diabetic patients, elderly, hypertensive, or with a These are the four biggest risk factors for mortality. "


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Hence the need, from May 11, not to forget the drastic measures applied for a month now across France. "Of course, if these people (at risk, editor's note) live with a child, you should not put the child in school or use effective barrier measures."

"Serological screening of children"

Professor Frédéric Adnet has a track so that the deconfinement of children is done as effectively as possible. "There is a need for serological screening of children," he says. "Let’s assume that children end up contaminating themselves: they’ll get colds and everything will go right. If they have colds, normally they’re immune. If they’re immune, they can go see people Why not mark the child's seroconversion status or not on the child's health book? This will allow them to go see grandparents in retirement homes and socialize people at risk who are left confined . " Because according to him, "plan B", which consists in "leaving the children confined", is "unbearable". "It is not possible."