China News Service, April 12 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Heilongjiang Health and Welfare Committee, on April 11, 2020, 0-24 hours, 2 new cases were confirmed in Heilongjiang Province (Harbin City). As of 24:00 on April 11, a total of 486 locally confirmed cases were reported, 4 of which are currently confirmed (Harbin City), and 4 of asymptomatic infections are currently available (Harbin City). The number of hot clinics on the day was 936. A total of 16,610 close contacts were tracked, and 221 people are still undergoing medical observation.

0-24 hours on April 11, 2020. There were 3 new suspected cases imported overseas (all imported from Russia) and 21 confirmed cases imported overseas (14 imported cases of asymptomatic infections were converted to confirmed cases), all of whom are Chinese nationals, imported from Russia, of which : 8 cases in Jilin Province, 5 cases in Guangdong Province, 3 cases in Heilongjiang Province, 2 cases in Fujian Province, 2 cases in Shandong Province, and 1 case in Chongqing City. As of 24:00 on April 11th, a total of 198 cases of imported confirmed cases were reported, including: 63 cases in Heilongjiang Province and 135 cases in other provinces; 197 cases of confirmed cases imported overseas; 6 cases of suspected cases imported currently; cumulative cure One case was discharged. 1,793 people who have been in close contact with foreign countries have been traced, 423 people have been released from medical observation, and 1,370 people are still undergoing medical observation.

From April 0 to April 24, 2020, 5 new cases of asymptomatic infections imported overseas, all of which are Chinese nationality, were imported from Russia. Among them: 3 cases in Jilin Province, 1 case in Hebei Province, and 1 case in Guangdong Province. As of 24:00 on April 11, there were 137 cases of asymptomatic infection imported from abroad, including 47 cases in Heilongjiang Province and 90 cases in other provinces.