According to an INSEE study, deaths at home from all causes jumped in March with in particular + 97% in the Haut-Rhin. An increase that, according to some health professionals, could be attributed to the coronavirus. "No person at home has been tested at the moment," points out Gislaine Sicre, president of the nurse convergence union.

More than 13,000 people have officially died from coronavirus in France, but is this assessment representative of the truth? This is the question that arises at the end of the following observation: deaths at home from all causes combined jumped in March. + 75% for example in Hauts-de-Seines compared to last month and + 97% in Haut-Rhin.

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"She fit well with all these criteria"

But is it due to the Covid-19? Difficult to answer this question according to Gislaine Sicre, president of the union convergence nurse since "no person at home is tested for the moment". So none are officially listed as dead from the coronavirus.

"We have a person who died and I remain convinced that he had the Covid. She was showing symptoms and she was a fragile, very old lady with respiratory problems. She fit all these criteria," says Ghislaine Sicre.


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No post-mortem tests

Serge Smadja, secretary general of SOS Médecins, makes the same observation. "In our network we see more deaths at home. We can reasonably estimate that this excess mortality at home is probably linked, not 100% obviously but a good part, to Covid," he said. A proportion that will be difficult to assess since the high council for public health does not recommend post-mortem tests.