A boa. (Illustration) - Geoffrey Swaine / Shutter / SIPA

He is trying to get the snake to swallow up to the police to explain his outing during the confinement. This Marseillais was apprehended in the 11th arrondissement with a… boa around his neck. Not the feather thing, the snake! The reason for his walk? "The animal needed to get out of its vivarium a bit and get some fresh air," he replied to the police, reports the daily La Provence .

The newspaper lists the excuses of the people checked to justify their exit in full confinement. We have a soft spot for this man coming from Lyon and who was going to Marseille "because his mother had prepared a good couscous for him that he had to bring back".


Marseille: Couscous, a political tool between the Maghreb countries, a favorite dish of the French


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  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Snake
  • Society
  • Marseille
  • Boa