I think it would be a telecommuting job to name one of the most unfamiliar things as Korean society overcomes the situation in Corona19. I see a lot of articles about telecommuting, and articles that talk about the difficulties of telecommuting also appear on social media. Of course, it is difficult and frustrating to be in a situation where you have to digest the same workload while not having enough programs to work outside the company.

Born and raised in Denmark, the concept of telecommuting was not unfamiliar at all. My father, who runs a hospital, had a busy schedule without a hitch, but telecommuting was also a natural routine. At home, I was able to see the working father without any discomfort and get close to the telecommuting culture. Numerous Danish companies are encouraging telecommuting and actively discussing telecommuting. When I listen to my parents or friends in Denmark, I feel the benefits of working from home more. I was hoping to stay in Korea and create a social atmosphere that encourages telecommuting here, but I am fortunate to have emerged as an important topic on this occasion.

In Denmark, telecommuting is considered to give people more joy and comfort. You are guaranteed more time to work with your family than when you have to commute to work every day. I would like to share my feelings and regrets based on my experience applying to my life while working from home. It's important to find a way to get the most out of your efficiency while working at home. My desperate wish is that as Corona19 disappears, the atmosphere that encourages telecommuting does not disappear at the same time, but working at home is a natural and natural culture in Korean society.

# 1_make a day plan

You will feel like you are constantly overflowing with things to do every day. However, if you look carefully, it is not really important to do it right now, but it often decreases efficiency, which does not help much. There are also quite a few things that take up my time in metallurgy. The way I learned in Denmark is to categorize what I have to do in one day as: ① urgent, ② important, ③ non-critical. This sorting of work allows you to focus on your work according to priorities. The clearer the task you really need to focus on, the more efficient your work will be and the more time you can spend with your family. Recognizing the importance and priorities of work makes it easier to focus on work even in stressful situations ahead of the deadline.

It is also helpful to plan according to your lifestyle as telecommuting gives you comfort and freedom. For example, depending on whether I am a morning or owl, I plan my day. I know from 8 am to 11:00 am that it is the most creative time for myself to come up with plans accordingly. Also, deliberately take a short lunch break. This is because when lunch time is long, it becomes distracted and drowsy, making it difficult to handle the remaining tasks in the afternoon. So even if you spend much less time sitting in the office, you can do more work and spend the rest of the day as free time for your family.

# 2_SNS pauses

SNS or messenger apps give new notifications without rest. It was especially helpful in my case not to boldly turn off my phone or install a messenger program on my laptop. It's not an easy way. Because it is a natural desire to always want to check each other because someone always contacts, writes and clicks 'like'. However, it is a necessary process to spend a full day and maximize the efficiency of telecommuting. If it is difficult, it is recommended to set the time of the day and turn off the notification to keep away from SNS for that time. And I am completely focused on my work. Some of my Danish friends have created and applied their own compensation system, for example, giving them 30 minutes of free time on the Internet after completing one task. It will be difficult to practice, but if you can, you will experience a very long day.

# 3_ Let's split time

The last way to introduce was the one that helped me the most. It wasn't very effective for me to sit down and immerse myself in work without a break. By dividing time and working and taking breaks, work efficiency has improved. My father worked every hour and had a 10 minute break. During your break, you'll either stretch or sit back again after doing enough to boost your energy and enjoyment.

In fact, many Danish workplaces do not officially have lunch. Because you manage your own time and work on a schedule, you can take advantage of your break time and eat lunch as much as you like. The Danish usually prefer to leave work earlier than to have an hour lunch. When I work from home, I have to set a certain time so that I can get up and walk and rest my body and head. You can come back to your seat in a refreshing state, and better ideas come up during that break.

## I have worked at home and shared tips on working efficiently at home using my experience in Denmark where telecommuting is familiar. I wish the satisfaction and enjoyment of the work increased as much as the efficiency of the work. After Corona 19, I hope that telecommuting will be a good culture in Korea.

※ This manuscript has passed through the in-it editorial team.

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