In the Guillotière district of Lyon. Drawing. - E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

  • A collective of residents of the Guillotière district in Lyon denounces a “huge relaxation” concerning the respect of containment measures.
  • They appeal to the authorities.

"They don't give a damn. It is total anarchy ”… In recent days, languages ​​are loosening and anger is mounting in the Guillotière district of Lyon. In question: "Those who respect nothing" and spend the day outside, in the squares, in public places despite the containment measures imposed by the government for three weeks to fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the territory.

"Until now, these measures were more or less respected but since the middle of the week, we have noticed a huge relaxation", plague Cécile. “On Place Gabriel-Péri, there were a hundred people on Thursday… As usual. Some, who came to offer illicit substances, wait squarely all day, on the tram platforms. Before, we found it painful but today, it takes other proportions. It becomes dangerous for the good of everyone. There is a health issue that is not measured ”.

An opinion shared by Julie, resident of the place in question. "As a good citizen, I barely go out twice a week to do a few errands but each time, I am frightened by what I see," says the young woman. And to continue: “Downstairs from my house, there is a small square. It is always full. The benches are continuously occupied by young people, who discuss beer all day long by hand ... Without any controls. They don't wear masks, they spit on the ground. In the evening, they drink cans on the stairs at the entrance of the buildings. We see the past police cars but they don't stop. ”

"The problem goes far beyond that of public tranquility"

In recent days, the situation has "gotten worse", she also observes. "There is a crazy world. And not just the usual squatters. Families also go out with the sun. It's crowded in the squares or along the banks of the Rhône, ”she laments.

"There are many people also to report along the Cours Gambetta, rue Paul Bert and grande rue de la Guillotière", abounds the collective of residents of La Guillotière in anger who did not fail to denounce the situation on the networks and to challenge the police and the prefecture through this. “We have no solution to fight against this. Perhaps we should consider closing the tram stop serving the district or barricading access to places as was done for the banks of the Rhône, wonders one of the members of this collective. Here we reach heights. The problem goes far beyond that of public tranquility ”.

We inform the authorities that confinement is absolutely no longer respected in the district of # Guillotière sector Péri
In view of the gravity of the current situation, we request an urgent intervention from @prefetrhone @ PoliceNat69
(photo at 5:00 p.m. on 04/09)

- The angry GUILLOTIÈRE! (@Guill_encolere) April 9, 2020

Should we believe that the residents of the neighborhood are more unruly than elsewhere? The prefecture of the Rhône did not wish to comment on the subject but nevertheless specified that there was a significant presence of the police in the sector and that large-scale control operations were regularly carried out. The mayor of Lyon has not, for the moment, communicated us answers.


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  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Lyon