One influential word has occupied a large share of the tweets of the social networking site "Twitter" in the past 24 hours, to be the most widely circulated.

Tweeters were able to transfer the word "hope" from just three letters to a well-known mark circulated by a large number of them over the past hours, preceded by "Ali", to become a sentence indicating the wish of all people around the world at this difficult time.

The tweeters wrote the word in the formula "in the hope" of salvation and out of the suffocating circumstance, imposed by the emerging Corona Virus "Covid 19", and people's speech became a common cause of concern for all people on Earth.

Among the tweets, phrases such as "in the hope that these days will pass quickly", "in the hope of survival", "in the hope of meeting" and "in the hope that these days will pass in peace" are well known.