What are the effects of sport on the body? (Replay)

Audio 48:30

Cover of the catalog of the "Body and sport" exhibition held at the Cité des Sciences, in Paris. cite-palais.boutique/fr

By: Caroline Lachowsky

On the occasion of the Body and Sport exhibition which is currently being held at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, in Paris, let us wonder about the effects of sport on the body.


What physiological and psychological processes are activated by the sporting practice among amateurs, as in high performance athletes? What interactions between the body and effort? Mind, endurance and performance? Why is sport good for health, but also for morale? How does research invest in the sports field?

- Julie Doron , former high-level sportswoman in fencing. She is a lecturer in STAPS. Researcher in performance psychology at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP). Her work focuses on the adaptation of individuals facing stress in a performance situation. She directed the exhibition catalog
- Julien Schipman of the National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance | 'INSEP - IRMES.

(Replay of February 18, 2019)

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