Media, innovators: when unity is strength in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

Audio 20:42

Wuhan, March 31, 2020. REUTERS / Aly Song

By: Steven Jambot Follow | Simon Decreuze Follow

Like half of humanity, the team at L'Atelier des Médias is confined to its home. And like you probably reading these lines, we spend a lot of time on the Internet. We realized that for some, the period is conducive to reflection and initiatives, especially on digital.


In the first part of the program, Denis Verloes , multimedia project manager at TV5 Monde, tells us about his ambition to create a citizen media thread on the Covid-19, guaranteed without fake news . He invites the French and French-speaking media to make a sacred union for useful information and the fight against disinformation in these times of pandemic.

Then, we telephoned Henri Monceau , director of the economic and digital Francophonie, who presents the OIF approach which launched on March 31 the platform Solidarité Covid-19 Francophonie . Its objective: "Help digital talents in the French-speaking world to unite and create innovative solutions to the coronavirus." Henri Monceau believes that the current global health crisis is an opportunity to accelerate digital transformation.

Finally, Damien Van Achter , journalist-entrepreneur and mediacker , recounts how he concretely created this platform (a Slack) and gives advice on how to work well at a distance.

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  • Coronavirus
  • Francophonie
  • Media
  • Internet
  • Social media

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