Guinea: preserving biodiversity cannot be the priority (Rediffusion)

N'zérékoré, main city of Forest Guinea. @ WikimediaCommons / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Maarten van der Bent

By: Anne-Cécile Bras Follow

There is a huge gap between the recommendations of experts who recommend from their office the preservation of biodiversity and the reality on the ground.


Especially in the poorest countries where people depend on natural resources for their survival, where private companies want to exploit them and where the state does not make them a priority. Example in forest Guinea where an exceptional biodiversity is threatened by traditional hunting, poaching, mining activity, deforestation and by the absence of the State, which has neither the means nor the political will to protect its environment .

It is a report by Raphaël Krafft and Carol Valade produced by François Porcheron.

(May 30, 2019 replay)

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  • Biodiversity
  • Environment
  • Guinea
  • Science benchmarks

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