A family dinner - Pixabay

A return to papa-mom which was not planned. With the containment measures, many adults have moved back to live with their parents in the countryside or in a larger house. And parents who were on a quiet retirement also find themselves with a "big" child at home, which had not happened in ages.

A shock of generations "Tanguy" version that can go wrong. Small habits of parents who can irritate, overly strict schedules for meals, tendency of parents to talk to you as if you were eight years old or tensions around household chores. For others, this family lock-up is, on the contrary, an opportunity to rediscover, or even rediscover.

If you too are in this situation, tell us why you came back to your parents for confinement. What relationship difficulties do you encounter with them? Or do you take advantage of their presence when you tended to cross paths with them before? And you, parents, how do you live with this forced cohabitation? Have you set rules for living together so that things go well? How do you envisage extending confinement and therefore your family life as it existed 15 or 20 years ago? Tell us about your experience by filling out the form below. Your contributions will be used in an article.


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  • Family
  • Cohabitation
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Containment