"Hi, my name is Disa and I am a girl of 13 years. My everyday life is pretty much affected by the corona virus because this is pretty new to everyone and it is a little scary if you think about how many people die"

“This whole panic in society that has got me and MANY other unemployed is the media's fault. It shouldn't have been like this. People could have continued to live a little more normally. "

"It's not so much that has changed in my everyday life except that mum and dad have to work at home and that we are not allowed to meet grandma and grandpa and grandma and grandpa."

Can do the future a favor

It is a gathering of everyday considerations from people in Sweden that the Nordic Museum collected on the page minnen.se.

- It is quite likely that there will be more pandemics and then you would probably want to know how people react when it happens. I think everyone who participates will do the future a favor, says Jörgen Löwenfeldt, project manager for digital collection at the Nordic Museum.