After eight years of absence, Michel Jonasz's new album, La Méouge, le Rhône, La Durance, is still available for sale. The French singer with a monumental career came to talk to us about writing, composition and love at the microphone of Europe 1.


With his 17th studio album La Méouge, Rhône, La Durance , Michel Jonasz returned to music news in 2019. After having performed numerous concerts, he returned to writing. He talks to us about it at the microphone of Europe 1.

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Eight years after his last album, the French singer with a career spanning over three decades tells us about his break in the composition of new music. "I need a quiet moment. For the past eight years I have had a lot of concerts, theater. I really need to be quiet to write texts and in 2018-2019, the concerts calmed down so I put it back in writing. I missed it a lot, "he says.

"Writing a song is imagining, dreaming, inventing (...) writing is a moment of mine", explains the singer who admits to being in "an emotional state difficult to describe" when he writes.

Many collaborations

This album is the fruit of a collaboration, that of his "old accomplices": "Manu Katché, Jean-Yves d'Angelo for the arrangements, Jérome Regard was doing the bass."

La Méouge, le Rhône, La Durance, title of the album and one of its compositions, is a text that is not sung, because it was written as such, emphasizes the artist: "It is a text which was not necessarily intended to be a song. I told myself that I was going to format it afterwards. There were four pages of writing. So I said to myself: I will say it, "simply .

And while his song "Retirement home" describes in a raw way the reality of old age - "You were talking about shipwreck, of a body that was no longer aged and that is slowly going away ..." - Michel Jonasz explains that the song is a love song. "They can keep their retirement home, we will never go. It is a song about limitless love which can overcome by its strength all obstacles including fear, fear of aging (...) is essentially a love song, "he insists.