To support the nursing staff, subject to the "extraordinary" pressure of an unprecedented health crisis, the Hope Experts group organize listening sessions on a voluntary basis. The co-founder of the platform, Jean-Marc Gabon de Peretti, was the guest of "Sans Rendez-vous" on Friday to promote this initiative.

How can we best help those on the front line facing the deadly coronavirus epidemic? The Hope Experts platform, which usually provides coaching sessions in companies, offers listening slots for all caregivers, free of charge. In the program Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, on Friday, the co-founder of the structure, Jean-Marc Gabon de Peretti, defended this "impetus from the heart" in times of crisis.

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"We opened this voluntary initiative this week," explains Jean-Marc Gabon de Peretti, one of the fourteen professional coaches of Hope Experts. "We wanted to anticipate in order to be ready when the bulk of the need will be expressed in the coming days. Collectively, it seemed to us that there was a similarity with what health professionals are currently meeting", as the burn out experience.

Liberal professions, nursing staff in nursing homes…

Concretely, those interested, whether they are caregivers themselves or close to caregivers, can go to the Hope Experts website to reserve a slot. You must inform the medical establishment, then give their contact details. "We hear all the staff working in hospitals, but also all the liberal professions such as doctors and nurses, as well as the staff who are today in very specific situations, in particular in nursing homes", details the co-founder of the platform.

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These staff targeted by Hope Experts are going through an extremely dense period: "We absolutely do not suspect the stress of what each and everyone experiences in hospital settings, and even elsewhere than in the hospital. All the people who are in assistance are under quite incredible pressure, which spills over the working day, "underlines Jean-Marc Gabon of Peretti.

Less support, more active listening

The coach insists on the peculiarity of this initiative for his platform: "It is not necessarily a question of being in a posture of usual coach which aims mainly to accompany the person towards a goal, but rather an active listening to help him to unload a weight, "he explains.

This weight should increase in the days to come: the peak of the epidemic is not yet reached that already the hospital capacities are saturated in many establishments of the territory. "We are ready to welcome and listen to all these people if they wish," says the coach. "I hope, of course, that nothing will give up, but the situation is quite special."


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