Containment is an opportunity to test new hairstyles - Ryan Mc Guire

  • Since the start of confinement, the French have no longer had access to hairdressing salons.
  • Some decide to shave their heads, improvise hairdressers and test new things. Others prefer to let their hair and beards grow at will.
  • Cyril Bazin, hairdresser and designer in Nantes, advises to take advantage of confinement to let the hair… rest.

"A woman who cuts her hair is a woman who is about to change her life," said Coco Chanel. But today, it is rather the change of life due to the confinement linked to the coronavirus that could push a lot of people to change their haircut.

Without hairdressing salons and without colleagues to cross (for many), some predict the advent of a new era of Cro-Magnons or Vikings at the end of confinement. 20 Minutes asked readers how they manage their hair. And their beard for these gentlemen.


"I hesitated not to touch anything to gain in length and thickness, and ultimately, it will be very short hair and a completely shaved beard to start over with new hair." Like Quentin, many readers, mainly men, have chosen to get rid of their fleece. Housam, who works in the food industry and therefore continues to go out every day, resolved to remain presentable: “I fell in love. I took out the mower and shaved myself closely. I even think of adopting this cut durably. "

If the "Barthez" style has its followers, Nicolas adopts it more by ... clumsiness: "I watched a tutorial to refresh my gradient and I completely missed my shot. Result: A good ball at zero. Shaving your head completely is probably the most practical way to deal with hairstyle issues. But for Florent, it turned out to be a game: "I wanted to shave my head, but I took the opportunity to make a Robert De Niro-style stop in Taxi Driver , with its crest. I took pictures to make my friends laugh. "

"No question of changing your look"

Not everyone takes the situation with the same lightness. Because for many, letting go is not an option. Laurence testifies: “No question for me to resemble the yeti. "My wife will play with the mower that has never been used," says Bernard. Before adding: "We're going to have a good laugh. Others take up “self-styling”, like Olivier: “It is not very complicated when you have seen the hairdresser do it beforehand and when you have a minimum of sense of observation. "

Fabrice must have a sense of observation if he wants to succeed in his challenge: “I took a photo at the start and I planned to take another at the end. The goal is to keep the same appearance. "Kathy, anxious about the closing of the hairdressing salons, decided to take matters into her own hands:" I will make my color myself while waiting. But Cyril Bazin, founder of his own brand of hairdressing salons and Schwarzkopf ambassador, however advises not to improvise as a specialist in the matter: "You have to avoid mass-market products. You will never have the color of the photo and it is very hard to remove. " In general, the specialist advises not to handle the scissors too much: “Often, it is not well done, and it is even more difficult to catch up. "

Containment is an opportunity to test

For Hélène, confinement is an opportunity to let her white hair make a place: “I had to go and make my color well before confinement. Today, my white roots are really visible and I must say that I like it. I feel like I'm more in tune with myself. "For those who would like to camouflage their roots without going through the coloring box, Cyril Bazin advises to" give preference to stripes at an angle over straight lines or to tie the hair ".

This is one of the solutions chosen by Cynthia, who does not want to risk cutting her hair alone: ​​“I let it grow and I take the opportunity to test new hairstyles. "Same philosophy for Adelaide:" This is an opportunity to put the fringe in the closet. " “Rather than cutting, it's time to test different hairstyles. Let your hair grow and try, ”says Cyril Bazin. But the advice of the professional will not be followed by Tony, who has decided to relaunch a disputed and contestable fashion: "Not too short on the top but it clears the ears. I make a bowl cut. "

For the beard, "it's time or never"

All these tests are not reserved for hair, because the beard requires a minimum of maintenance if we want to avoid looking like Tom Hanks in Alone in the world . Stéphan, who usually does not let it grow because it is not supplied enough, decided to start: "I want to see if it takes longer, it will have another aspect. Working in the trade, I did not dare to try before. Julien also takes advantage of the lack of witnesses: "It's now or never. And I take my picture every day to make a stop motion video. "

Conversely, Albert uses the passing of time to try a dandy look. Without success: “I swapped my beard for a thin mustache. You have to be honest, it doesn't suit me at all. ”Martin must be hoped for more success in his attempt to“ let the mustache of Fu Manchu grow ”.

Those who decide to let nature take over

But among our readers appears another group: those who want to take advantage of this period to let their body and hair rest. There are the followers of the sebum cure. "No one will see my greasy hair. I will have beautiful hair that is shiny and fit for the reopening of the world, ”says Chloé.

For many, it is the cavernous style that emerges, as Florent explains: "Nature will take back its rights until the end of all this, we will try to resemble Ragnar Lodbrok [the main character in the Vikings series ] . "Marc has other references:" It will remind me of my youth in the 1970s. "Hair freedom always, Laëtitia seems delighted to let live her hair and that of her children:" For them, it will be surfer cut and for me , wavy hair ! " Cyril Bazin encourages the confined in this sense: “This is the best opportunity to let your hair rest, to recover a beautiful hair fiber. Try to space out the shampoos, 1 or 2 a week. For once we have time to take care of it. "

And for those who don't get used to it, there remains Patrick's solution: “My cap will be my best friend for several weeks. "


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  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Society
  • Covid 19
  • Series
  • Hairdressing