A family that performs the missions proposed by the Cité de l'Espace during its confinement. - Cité de l'Espace

  • To keep in touch with the Earth and entertain families, the Cité de l'Espace offers tutorials allowing you to taste the confined life of astronauts.
  • Posted every two days, the experiments only require rudimentary equipment.

Living in an enclosed place, sometimes crowded together, and with restricted access to the outside… Private to its visitors, the Cité de l'Espace dares to draw the parallel between our forced confinement and the lives of astronauts in their space station.

To keep in touch, its scientific mediators brainstormed from a distance and created "missions" broadcast on the Internet. "They last 15 minutes, no more, and we will broadcast one every two days," says Christophe Chaffardon, director of education and scientific mediation at the park.

Spatial haircuts and spicy dishes

Fun, challenges require rudimentary equipment: a simple measuring tape or even a string for example, for the first tutorial which explains - and proves - that one grows up at night in bed, like Thomas Pesquet during his stay in the Station international space, to shrink in the morning.

Grow, just by lying down. A surfer has tested. - Space City

A handkerchief and a bottle cap are enough for the second mission, just to wash with spatial wipes to moisturize. Yes, there is no shower in the ISS, not worth it, because with the weightlessness the drops of water would remain in suspension.

And keep some chocolate in the back of the cupboard for Wednesday's #AstronauteChezSoi session. Thanks to him you will discover why astronauts eat spicy. The Cité de l'Espace team promises soon a “haircut in space”, for which we suspect that it will be necessary to take out its vacuum cleaner.

Obviously, Internet users are invited to share, especially on Instagram, their confined adventures.


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  • Society
  • Containment
  • Space
  • Toulouse
  • Science
  • Child