A nutrition expert in Britain explained that the new life regime imposed by the outbreak of the new Corona virus, imposed new life habits, including work from home, stopping exercise and low social interaction, which resulted in the imposition of new health habits that may not be in the interests of individuals as a result of increased body demand for food Available all day.

The constant need to eat is caused by feelings of boredom, panic and anxiety caused by fears surrounding the emerging epidemic of Corona Virus "Covid 19", which is called emotional eating.

Food becomes the primary coping mechanism for a stressful situation, affecting our health and mental well-being. Here are 4 steps anyone can take to end emotional eating while sitting at home:

Record meals: Keeping notes of what we eat, how much we eat, and what we feel when we eat can help us determine what stimulates eating. For some people, boredom, while for others it is stress, anxiety, or sadness.

Looking for a new outlet to empty feelings like boredom, anxiety and stress: Once we know what stimulates emotional eating, we can find other simple activities at home to manage the issue without resorting to food every time.

The best tasks to do to divert our thinking about the things that concern it about food are cognitive challenges like sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, brain training apps, chess or scribbling, contacting a friend.

Changing nutritional habits: keep snacks in the kitchen and not at your desk or in the living room so that you are not at your fingertips and they see you putting your need for snacks instead of bringing the entire package because that will lead to eating more of your need.
Be sure to chew food well because chewing improves digestion and increases satiety.

Control the quantity and type of purchases: Avoid buying high-calorie foods like potato chips and chocolate and replace them with snacks like unroasted nuts.