There are times when there is no joke or recklessness, especially when it comes to public health and the spread of diseases, and despite that there are those who insist on violating the instructions issued by the state, considering that things are "high high", and that what happens in the world is merely exaggeration and exaggeration too much .

The time has come for each of us to take responsibility, anywhere

When the countries of the world mobilize to fight disease by stopping flights, this is not a matter of joking, and when curfews are prohibited, the issue is dangerous and cannot be underestimated, and when instructions are issued from the highest levels, each of us must implement and say obedience and obedience.

I heard about several cases of people who came back from outside the state and did not adhere to the quarantine, and there are some of them who moved from one place to another, hitting all the instructions on the wall. And others disturbed us by chanting the phrase "committed to the homeland", while they were publishing video recordings of them moving from "Kofi" to another in a blatant and reprehensible contradiction.

I know very well the situation is difficult for all of us, and whoever gets used to going out on a daily basis will feel that he lives in prison, but we must be fully aware that prevention is better than cure. And, in the emerging corona disease, an infected person can spread the disease in an entire city.

It is time for each of us to assume responsibility in any location, and to abide by the instructions, directives and decisions issued, there is no room for perseverance and stubbornness in the midst of this crisis, which we hope will pass with the least losses in lives, the economy and others, and of course this will only be with the concerted efforts of all between Community members and governmental and private institutions alike.

Plato says: "Honorable people do not need laws to act responsibly, but bad people will find a way to get around laws." So it is an opportunity for each of us to prove to himself, to others, and to society that in such crises we do not need any law to act with a sense of conscience and responsibility.

Twitter: @almzoohi

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