A job center agency (illustration) - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

While the confinement will probably be lengthened and the traffic restrictions will be tightened, the Pôle Emploi agencies are no longer receiving an audience due to the coronavirus, the operator announced on Monday, calling on job seekers to contact their advise by phone or Internet.

Last week, reception was possible by appointment for "emergencies", especially for job seekers who could not use the Internet.

Rotations to pick up the mail

But all of the operator's unions had protested, calling for the reception to be closed to fight the spread of the virus and protect the agents. In addition, "we realized that many of these urgent needs could have been dealt with by telephone", by the 3949, says one at Pôle Emploi.

At least 18,000 advisers were doing telework on Friday, three times more than usual, in order to allow the operator to carry out its essential tasks, particularly in terms of compensation. However, a reduced staff continues to visit the agencies on a rotational basis, in particular to pick up the letters that job seekers can send.

"No jobseeker will be struck off or sanctioned" during confinement

The operator has also posted a question and answer document for job seekers and businesses. He points out in particular that the updating must be "carried out every month to be able to remain registered and continue, for the compensated persons, to receive their allowance".

It also specifies that the control of the job search is "suspended" and "that no jobseeker will be struck off or sanctioned" during the confinement period. For those in training, this can be offered remotely or postponed. The remuneration of job seekers whose training is suspended will be maintained.

Apec its “100% remote” activity

Pôle emploi, however, calls on job seekers to “stay mobilized” because “new job offers are already available, particularly in sectors which are under severe strain due to the health crisis” such as agriculture, or the production of masks. Pôle emploi's business advisers can therefore be reached at 3995 for recruiters who have staff needs.

For its part, the APEC (Association for the employment of executives) indicated that it had switched “to 100% from a distance, its consultancy activity”. "This organization allows 150,000 customers, executives, young graduates and companies to benefit from the same methods of advice, monitoring and usual support, delivered by phone, email or web conference," said the association in a press release.

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