British doctors have warned that about two-thirds of people infected with the Coronavirus, who have been exposed to serious risks, are obese, medical data showed. A report issued by leading doctors in the United Kingdom said that 63% of patients in intensive care units in British hospitals as a result of Corona virus are obese and heavy weights.

Previous studies have shown that people with extra pounds can suffer from complications complicated by the flu, compared to people with normal weights.

It is known that people with severe obesity suffer most from chronic infections, which makes their immune systems in a state of constant exhaustion due to their attempts to protect and repair the damage caused by inflammation to the body cells. Using all the body’s immune energy to fight infections means that the body’s defense mechanism doesn’t have much capacity to defend against a new disease such as Coronavirus.

The report, reported by the Daily Mail, that obesity in the chest area increases the difficulty muscles encounter during deep breathing and the distribution of oxygen to the body. Doctors say the Corona virus is fatal as it spreads deep into the lungs and causes serious complications such as pneumonia (pneumonia).

Obese people have breathing problems ranging from breathing difficulties to a serious life-threatening condition called obesity-induced dyspnea syndrome.

Scientists believe that the masses of fat in the body impede the work of the lungs, which makes the breathing process unable to give the body enough oxygen, and that obesity prevents the lungs and diaphragm from expanding enough.

These factors explain the reason why the lungs of obese people are more prone to failure when they develop corona's disease compared to healthy people with normal weights.