On March 21, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference. Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health and Health Commission and deputy director of the Department of Publicity, said that there were no new local confirmed cases in mainland China for 3 consecutive days, Wuhan for 3 consecutive days, Hubei except Wuhan for 16 consecutive days, and provinces outside Hubei for 9 consecutive days Locally confirmed cases. Since the WHO announced on March 11 that the epidemic has pandemic characteristics, the cumulative number of imported cases abroad has increased from 85 to 269, an increase of 216%, which is faster than the 98% increase in the cumulative global confirmed cases during the same period. It is necessary to strictly prevent the import of overseas epidemics, do a good job in preventing and controlling epidemics in the country, and prevent rebound.

Guo Shihao

Editor-in-chief: [Liu Xian]