The National Assembly voted on the night of Saturday to Sunday to suspend the waiting period of three months usually imposed on French people after a long stay abroad.

Expatriates returning to France during the coronavirus crisis will have direct access to Social Security: the National Assembly voted on the night of Saturday to Sunday to suspend the waiting period of three months usually imposed on French people after a long stay in the stranger. It was the government that submitted this amendment when examining the emergency bill to deal with the coronavirus epidemic.


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"The amendment seeks to suspend the waiting period of three months"

"We are in the process of repatriating French people from abroad (....). Today, the Covid-19 epidemic is forcing very many French people to return to France unexpectedly. This amendment aims to suspend the waiting period of three months (to benefit from health insurance) during the pandemic period ", explained the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud. The measure may be specified by decree, but it proposes at this stage to waive this deficiency system between March 1 and June 1.