The German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has reported that there is as yet no evidence that the new corona virus can be transmitted through the placenta, but that infection can occur after birth via the traditional method of spraying.

The association added that a woman who is infected with the Corona virus can breastfeed her baby naturally, as there is still no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk, but this must be done by obtaining a green light from the doctor.

To avoid infection with the Corona virus, you must adhere to the general health requirements. Hand should be washed with soap and water for a period of no less than 20 seconds on a regular basis, taking into account the cleaning of spaces between the fingers and the back of the hand as well, as well as avoiding human gatherings as possible.

The doctor should be consulted immediately upon suspected infection with the Coronavirus, the symptoms of which are fever, cough, cold, headache, throat pain, diarrhea, limb pain, severe fatigue, and breathing problems such as shortness of breath and shortness of breath.