Tourette syndrome is a rare and serious neurological and psychological disease, as involuntary physical or vocal acts constitute major restrictions that hinder the patient from practicing his life normally. Although it cannot be cured, its troubles can be alleviated through behavioral therapy, for example.

Professor Kirsten Muller-Fall, director of the largest clinic for treating Tourette syndrome in Germany, explained that Tourette syndrome, named after French doctor Georges Gilles de la Tourette, is a mental and neurological disease that appears from early childhood, noting that This disease has an organic cause, as the brain metabolism changes due to interruption of communication between different brain centers. It is not known until now the reason for this change, but doctors suggest that it is due to hyperactivity in the dopamine system, noting that psychological tension can exacerbate the symptoms.

"The symptoms of Tourette's syndrome are involuntary motor or vocal acts, and it cannot be controlled," Mullerval added. The involuntary motor verbs are in the blinking eye, shaking the head or shaking the shoulders, walking with a certain pattern and strange mouth movements, while the involuntary voice verbs consistently clearing the throat, repeating the words and phrases of others, and repeating obscene and obscene words. These involuntary acts are often preceded by an uncomfortable physical sensation, such as itching or tingling.

Professor Ulrich Fuderholtzer pointed out that the Tourette syndrome is a major obstacle preventing the patient from practicing his life normally, as he is unable to drive a car, for example, and he may face great difficulties in the educational path and find a job.

The German psychiatrist and neurologist added that “Tourette syndrome raises the risk of developing other psychological diseases such as depression,” noting that it cannot be cured, but its troubles can be alleviated through behavioral therapy, where the patient learns how to deal with involuntary motor and voice actions, and try controlling her.