Guest of Nathalie Lévy's Big Evening Newspaper, the general practitioner and president of the doctors of France Jean-Paul Hamon deplores a lack of means in particular of masks intended for health professionals, denouncing "a serious fault" of which "the persons in charge must accountable".

"I hope that there this time, the government and all the administration have realized that we need a health system that works", denounces Jean-Paul Hamon, president of the doctors of France. This general practitioner, himself contaminated by the coronavirus, warns of the lack of means which affects health professionals in particular on the lack of FFP2 masks, these essential surgical masks for those at the bedside of the sick or who are still carrying out consultations.

"We did not understand why health professionals were not protected, he says at the microphone of Nathalie Levy on Europe 1. But I had a first explanation: In 2008 and until 2012, we had a billion masks in stock and 700 million FFP2. However, these stocks have not been renewed, "laments the one who was contaminated with coronavirus during a visit to a patient, last Wednesday.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Thursday, March 19

A mask budget cut in 2013

According to him, even if Xavier Bertrand had included in the social security financing plan "a line which was to cost 15 million for the renewal of these masks, in 2013 a shabby accountant wanted to scratch 15 million in the budget of social security and deleted this line ", he is indignant, recalling that France had previously been faced with the threat of avian flu H5 N1 as well as the H1N1 flu under Roselyne Bachelot, then Minister of Health in 2009 , and "who had criticized her for doing too much on the vaccines side, but on the mask side she had done the right thing," he adds.

A lack of means to which is added another problem, according to Jean-Paul Hamon who criticizes France for having sent abroad masks made by factories in France when the medical and nursing staff needed them .

"A serious fault"

And for him, it will be necessary for those responsible to report after the crisis: "The administration is able to provide us with a document which describes in detail the protection kits where it is a question of FFP2 masks and it does not it’s not a bad idea to leave a stock for health professionals ... It’s a serious mistake and I think it will certainly be a commission of inquiry to clarify the matter. "

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But above all, the general practitioner hopes that this observation will lead to an awareness: "I see that the printing press is wide open that we are trying to get out 300 billion from I do not know where and it is very good Then put 40 billion more on the table to have a health system that works, "he asks before continuing:" It is time that we put the necessary money and stop butt. "

"Always a touch of anxiety"

Asked about his feelings as an infected person, Jean-Paul Hamon admits to having a slight concern. "It is fine to say and repeat to yourself that it can be cured without sequelae in 98% of cases, there is a little music that says 'I hope you are not part of the 2% who will pass there'. there is always a touch of anxiety that I understand in patients ", he says before reassuring:" Even if there is still very little luck ". The president of the doctors of France was tested after having suffered from fever but is not, for the moment, "not too bad", he assures.