Most of the top 20 theaters in North America are closed, with only two limited openings

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 19, according to the status quo of the temporarily closed North American theaters organized by foreign media (as of March 18 local time), the top 20 theaters in North America are basically already Closed, only the 8th and 11th theaters are open with a limited number of seats. Of the closed theaters, only AMC provided future opening time: it is expected to reopen in 6-12 weeks. No other theaters have temporarily announced the future opening time.

Foreign box office analysts said that the industry expects the best situation is that the theater will be reopened in mid-May, but the worst case does not rule out that it may be closed to the hottest summer file of the film industry in the year. As for many, it has been withdrawn recently The new movie blockbuster will not be rescheduled until the theater opens.

Beijing News reporter Zhou Hui Xiaowan