In the wake of the corona crisis, more and more people are slowing down their marketing, which is hitting hard on the Swedish media industry. Several media groups are already witnessing large ad losses that primarily affect local media, this shows a survey conducted by the Cultural News.

"The media industry is in crisis"

The Journalist Association now demands that the press subsidy be increased immediately, by doubling the part of the subsidy called operating subsidy, in order to avoid a collapsed fear among local newspapers.

- There is a need for targeted support to the media industry that is now in crisis, and a relatively simple way is to double operating support. Then it does not solve all problems because not all newspapers are eligible for the support. But in this way we can get some way, says Ulrika Hyllert, Chairman of the Journalist Association, to the Culture News.

The advertising race mainly strikes against local journalism, which for many years has struggled with a strained economy. The challenge is primarily to reduce advertising revenue. According to the Institute for Media Studies, the ad spend corresponds to the total media support of 622 million - every year.

Democratic consequences

- I am extremely worried that the local press is once again subjected to a huge trial. The worst thing that can happen is that media goes bankrupt. This has lost an important social function in the local area, which becomes a democratic disaster for the entire community.

In addition to the increased press support, the Journalists' Association proposes a series of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of the corona pandemic on the media sector. Among other things, the union proposes that the press subsidy already granted be paid out in advance.

In need of quick action

On Friday, Ulrika Hyllert, together with Klys who represents member organizations in, among others, stage, film and art, will meet with Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP) to discuss the proposals.

What are your expectations at the meeting?

- Now it's all about acting quickly. This is a huge challenge for the industry. I expect hearing for suggestions on measures that will benefit and that politicians will make the necessary decisions.