Many questions arise around the ability of the Corona virus to live outside the human body and how long it can survive. An American study confirmed that the virus can survive for three hours, after researchers use sprays to spread it in the air. But contradictory scientific opinions considered that the use of sprays does not mimic a patient's cough, in which case the virus is viable for only a few seconds.

A new study showed that the corona virus may live for hours outside the human body on various surfaces or even in the air. The authors of this study found that the virus that causes the Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to survive in the air. This could mean that the extent of the Covid-19 pandemic is linked to the fact that it is more easily transmitted from a carrier who has no symptoms to another person.

But this study has faced some criticism, so experts believe that the use of sprays does not effectively simulate a patient's cough and increases the risk of artificial air pollution.

The virus is transmitted mainly through small drops that patients take out when they cough or sneeze, in which case it is viable for only a few seconds.

The study was published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" and conducted by scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the University of California at Los Angeles and Princeto, which is funded by the US government.

In addition, their experiments showed that corona virus can be monitored for two to three days on plastic or stainless steel surfaces, and up to 24 hours on cardboard.