During confinement, cleaning your windows is an exhilarating activity. - SIPA PRESS

There are those who confine themselves in their second home - we no longer present them - there are the most precarious who work and who we think hard about and those who manage their confinement as they can. If overall our current lives resemble the moments of revision of Chabert's baccalaureate in Le Péril Jeune, or an old remake of Seul au Monde, there are all the same, some "kifs". Here is a list of those little exceptional moments in confinement life. Our “escape” gestures.

Taking out the trash

You are watching. It fills up gradually and the climax is reached when it is not far from overflowing. And for good reason, the stakes are high. Throwing the trash is synonymous today to pass the door of his apartment and hope to meet in this short time, a neighbor, a human. And this, while respecting the barrier gestures, if that happens. Currently, this is the great outing not to be missed. Once the trash can of the building is filled, you may even be given the right to take it out on the sidewalk. For the rest, everyone has their style: in shoes, Crocs, or espadrilles, in marcel or in evening wear.

my day out: take out the trash pic.twitter.com/KJe70dAz5s

- Leandre 🙃 (@_leandre_r) March 16, 2020

Open the windows and watch life

“Overall, I spend a lot of time at the window. I usually do it a lot already, but there it goes beyond everything. I am lucky to have three windows on two sides of my street, it offers different points of view: that is my exoticism of the moment, my window on the street side, my window on the square side, ”says Rachel. So yes, the decor changes very little. But it is finally an opportunity to discover the small details of architecture, to take advantage of the silence, to learn to recognize the song of birds, as recommended by the Bird Protection League yesterday at 20 Minutes . And of course, this is an opportunity to speak with the neighbors of the building opposite. We all see ourselves doing push-ups, burpees, playing Just Dance in our rabbit cages right now. So no judgment and break the ice.

Clean, scour, mop and especially wash the windows

We all agree to say: Washing your windows is going to become the most exciting activity of these coming days / weeks. An exhilarating activity that frees the mind. But there are lots of other things to scour. “Yesterday I happily vacuumed to stretch my legs after my day of telecommuting. And on Saturday, I plan to clean my bathroom, I can't wait! “, Tells us Alexia. Some have very precise schedules: “I also embarked on this dynamic: One day-one piece. I find a moment in the day to thoroughly clean my apartment (hey the problem is that I am in 40 square meters so I will quickly go around, I have already done the kitchen and the bathroom ..) ”, continues Hélène. Without forgetting to clean your smartphone.

Good day 3: I planned to make coconut rocks and clean my windows. Then we improvise.

- Cartagena 💥 (@NFleche) March 19, 2020

Applaud at 8 p.m. in solidarity

It became the most important meeting of the day. At 8 p.m., the residents applaud the health staff for the first time in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. For Florence, it has become inevitable. "Applaud and above all listen to people applauding ... I realize that people, whom I don't know, their presence, their noises, have never missed me so much". She also has another kif, which everyone can make at home: Put Resiste de France Gall to the bottom by opening all the windows at the end of the afternoon.


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Coronavirus: Confined French people applaud health workers

  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Paris
  • Cleaning