In the novel by N. Ognev, “The Diary of Kostya Ryabtsev,” where school life of the early 1920s was described on behalf of a teenager, Almakfish scrub (Alexei Maksimovich Fisher, a teacher of mathematics and physics) reacted uniformly to all problems with students. He noted that "qualitatively it stands on the other side of good and evil, and quantitatively is the product of the abundance of the era." Among the post-revolutionary scrubs there were also Nietzscheans.

The epoch that is leaving before our eyes, like a dream fades from memory, was also distinguished by outstanding abundance. One of the products of plenty was one of the thinkers of the century (according to Time magazine), twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, who spoke at the UN, Davos and other high-ranking youth Greta Tunberg. Ecological extremism brought her such fame that she prudently registered her name as a trademark, probably believing that life was a success and shepherding peoples forever, providing herself with exclusive rights. Perhaps the entrepreneur father helped her with such a prudent decision.

But there were important events in the field of epidemiology (COVID-19) and economics (worldwide depression) - and Greta was blown away. Her whole pathos and her whole image were no longer needed by anyone, and even the brand did not help. Her last appeal of March 12, with an appeal to continue the environmental school strike - but now online - has a picture of how a hackneyed gramophone reproduces the same phrase, already completely inconsistent with the new circumstances. For the school strike - that online, that is offline - is meaningless when the shelters of sciences are already empty because of quarantine and schoolchildren cannot go to school, even if they wanted to. When schools are closed - why go on strike?

One can, of course, argue that the example of deflation is unsuccessful. The girl, even with a quick father, was doomed to short-lived success even with the prosperity of the world economy and world health.

But not only Greta. A.B. Chubais, with iron in his voice, called for the absolute greening of the Russian economy - obviously, he was already bored at the state corporation Rusnano and wished to head the state corporation Rosgret. Not without the famous philanthropist Soros. And where are they all now? About the same place where Berezovsky, Gusinsky and Khodorkovsky were in September - October 1998. More recently, they proclaimed: "Our strength, our will, our power!" - but default struck, and they, like naughty cats, hid, if only nobody would notice them (unfortunately, they hid temporarily and still had to get rid of them for a long time).

But the disappeared representatives of the green world - as if they had never been - the modern theater of political action is not limited.

Where are the other brave figures of the performance society? Where are the masters of modern art, who until recently despised everything - laws, conscience, faith? Where are gender fighters for the inalienable rights of all 150 sexes to each go to their own special latrine? Where are the sonorous sodomites and even more sonorous feminists? Where are the HONEYS and vegans?

All humbly stand in lines for toilet paper and do not tweet.

What clearly demonstrates the correctness of Almakfish, who believed that any heavy nonsense is a product of the abundance of the era. With the accumulated fat reserves of the society and the reliable rear provided by the society, it is quite possible to go wildly crazy, especially when they pay well for it, and the average person looks at all this raging with tolerance and complacency.

It is another matter when the harsh hour of the struggle has come. Then the hassle is quickly dispelled, and all these Greta, vegans and genders are no longer needed. The average man, dying of fear and expecting disasters coming to the universe, and not knowing what he will eat tomorrow and wipe his ass, resonantly answers yesterday's products of the abundance of the era: “Go away, it’s sick without you.” He would even say: “A healthy forehead, I would go to the factory to work” - but where to get these plants?

You can, of course, notice that the frenzy of gret-like foods was evident yesterday, in days still peaceful. But French, German, American, etc. a man with a hind mind is strong. This is generally a universal property - thunder will not strike - a man will not cross himself.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.