Finally, many colleagues discussed me with the sheer volume of alerts we are exposed to daily through the various applications that we use in our work and in our lives. The content of their question was: As a data specialist, how can we keep in touch with what matters to us and not get stressed and distracted by ideas? Then they tell me how they think a lot about abandoning applications or closing their alerts, and then they back down in light of the urgent need.

- Data consumption at the time of "Corona" must be specific and from reliable sources.

These discussions were before Corona reached its global peak, and today, in light of the flood of data related to the Corona virus, I found it necessary in moments of data to talk to you about the data and "Corona".

My response to inquiries at the time was that dealing with data, no matter how different its form in our lives, depends for me on three factors: managing time and controlling the time of greatest exposure to it, classifying data according to its importance by distinguishing between what matters and what is less important, or its flow can be stopped, and setting priorities, what was necessary At some point it may not be necessary now.

I write these data moments and working remotely and reducing unnecessary movement in cities has become a priority for everyone’s health and safety and a national duty, and while a person sits at home, his exposure to data is greater than ever, whether through news bulletins, social media alerts or contact groups such as «Watts Father »and others, to the extent that random data that a person allows himself to be exposed to harm to mental health and productivity is very large and can become epidemic like a virus, so we must have, individuals and institutions, a methodology that fits the data in the time of" Corona ".

Data consumption at the time of "corona" should be specific and from reliable sources related to the virus in particular, because changing the daily routine by closing many public facilities and preventive measures at the practical and personal level makes us vigilant and more mentally affected by what we read, see or hear, and in the UAE our country has provided A distinguished model in managing the data side through transparency in announcing new and recovering cases, and other data for preventive guidance and the like.

Reading data is an art and skill that many people can master and others can acquire, and one of its simplest examples is to compare any number we read with other numbers available through official reliable channels, for example the number of cases of people infected with "Corona" in our country compared to others around the world shows the efficiency and effectiveness of our country in managing HIV prevention, Our role is to be responsible for consuming and sharing data in the time of "Corona".

Assistant Director General of Smart Dubai Executive Director of Dubai Data Corporation

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