Insomnia, repeated awakenings, disruption of the biological clock, REM sleep ... Sleep problems concern many French people. Patrick Lesage, sophrologist and member of the French research and sleep medicine society, was the guest of the program "Sans rendez-vous" on Europe 1 to share his advice and remedies to fall back into Morphée's arms.

According to a study by the National Sleep Institute, a quarter of French people are affected by sleep problems. In the program "Without appointment", the sophrologist Patrick Lesage gave his advice to remedy the problem. If a visit to a professional seems essential if insomnia persists, he also advised to rethink certain lifestyle habits such as reporting on screens or food.

>> READ ALSO - Sleep disorders: what are the risks?

A diagnosis with a doctor is the first step supposed to help define the patient's difficulties. Patrick Lesage says that many people consider that they have sleep problems, even though the disorders described do not always stem from the pathology: "It's normal, we wake up every hour and a half", insists -he. In addition, each person reacts differently to the treatments offered, so it is a matter of carrying out personalized monitoring and thus of finding the most suitable remedy. "Everything related to the social, professional environment and stress" is good to know. The sophrologist delivers his advice ... and we warn you in advance, look at your smartphone during the night "it is useless".


Literally "light therapy", luxtherapy brings together many components including light therapy and dawn simulators. In the context of certain treatments, light is used to “permanently” reset one's sleep. Patrick Lesage specifies that this method is particularly indicated if one wishes to adapt his biological clock to that of his spouse.

Phytotherapy and essential oils

There are many so-called "natural" or herbal remedies. "Chamomile is recognized by the WHO, hops by Commission E [a scientific council in Germany]", explains Patrick Lesage who also cites linden or valerian. They should be used with care, the best being to seek advice from a pharmacist. The latter will be able to more easily assess needs and adapt dosages.

>> Find the whole of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

Hypnosis, sophrology and meditation

These methods lead to "becoming aware of your body". There is no universal remedy, but hypnosis, sophrology and mediation must lead to a form of patient empowerment, according to Patrick Lesage. "In some practices, they may have a tendency to rely on the carer and depend on him. But it is the fact that people are alone that works." A few sophrology sessions should allow you to control your breathing and thus slow your heart rate down to sleep.

Gather the conditions for a good night during the day

All the stress accumulated during the day has an impact on sleep. It is therefore important to rethink your daily life to extract stressful situations, especially professional ones. Also, overexposure to screens seems to be the modern enemy of sleep. The sophrologist in particular advises against checking his SMS late at night, when bad news occurs.

A protein-based diet

Finally, sleep and wakefulness being complementary, a healthy diet should allow you to stay better awake. Avoid the abuse of sugar, eat a solid breakfast and eat protein. A mid-afternoon snack, too often dodged, will be welcome.

Note that there are also drug solutions that have not been mentioned in the program.