More artists and cultural creators are worried about their income and the economy in the cultural industry during the corona virus's progress. Artist Sarah Dawn Finer says that all set events show how sensitive the industry is.

- One day, an annual salary was set for my family, she says to the Culture News.

Simon Norrthon, chairman of the Theater Association, is also worried.

- The financial consequences must be compensated, otherwise the infrastructure will be knocked out, he says.


Ideal Cultural Alliance brings together 20 nationwide cultural organizations such as the National Theater and the People's Houses and Parks. After the government banned gatherings with over 500 participants, the Ideal Cultural Alliance started a name gathering on Friday to demand state support for cultural life.

"We want to urge the government to take action as quickly as possible and show that there is a strong need for it in the cultural world," says Gunnar Ardelius, Head of Operations at the Ideal Cultural Alliance.

The dream is a state-of-the-art crisis package that takes a holistic approach to the cultural sphere that targets both the public and private sectors.

Missing margins

Many organizers around the country also choose to hold or post smaller cultural events, even though the maximum limit is set at gatherings with 500 people or more.

- The non-profit sector of the non-profit sector has no margins. In addition, we have no idea how long this will be, says Gunnar Ardelius.

Culture Minister Amanda Lind (MP) says she does not rule out a crisis package, but cannot give any clear message on Friday. On Monday, a meeting with industry representatives will be held.

- We do not exclude any measures at present but work with different types of proposals. Among other things, the Government has proposed a deferred VAT payment. We take a broad look at various measures, she says.