A candidate for the bac in 2019. - DOMINIQUE FAGET / AFP

To ensure students a "sufficient learning time", the calendar of the next tests of continuous control of the new bac will be made more flexible for students of Première, announced the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, this Thursday.

These tests, dubbed E3C, spread over three sessions over the years of Première and Terminale and which account for 30% of the final mark, have been disrupted in dozens of establishments, notably in Paris, since their launch on January 20.

Between April 20 and the end of June

Some high schools which had already postponed the tests failed to pass them on a second attempt. According to a text from the Minister, "the tests of the second session may take place, at the choice of the establishments, from April 20, as initially announced and until June (against the end of May)".

"This will provide students with sufficient learning time between the two rounds of tests, while guaranteeing them access to their copies and their notes before mid-July." The establishments will thus have more flexibility in the organization of these tests ”, explains the ministry in the text. The National Subject Bank (BNS), which serves as the basis for the test statements, "will be open to all teachers to facilitate joint work". However, the SNB will also be accessible to the general public so that “pupils and their families” can read it.


Reform of the baccalaureate: Students "under pressure", complexity ... A report criticizes the E3C and the system of specialties


Grand oral du bac: "This test is not designed to make students fail," insists Jean-Michel Blanquer

  • Jean-Michel Blanquer
  • High school
  • Society
  • High school student
  • BAC
  • BAC reform
  • Exam